The Center for Consciousness Science (CCS) is passionate about educating the next generation and the public about consciousness.

For the past decade, CCS faculty have taught a Neuroscience Graduate Program course on the Cognitive Neuroscience of Consciousness, the first of its kind at the University of Michigan, and open to interested community members. We have sponsored institutional symposia open to the public on topics such as sleep, pain, altered states, and psychedelic neuroscience. We also host the Edward F. Domino lecture in Consciousness Science on an annual basis. We have co-led or sponsored major international conferences on the science of consciousness.   

CCS faculty members are active in numerous basic science departments and graduate programs, serving as dedicated mentors to graduate students interested in the field of consciousness science. Our graduate students have enjoyed grant support from the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. They have published their work on consciousness in highly respected scientific journals and have lectured on consciousness nationally and internationally.  

Upcoming Events

Center for Consciousness Studies 10 Year Anniversary
Wednesday, June 12, 8 a.m.
Med Sci II, Room 3697 – West Lecture Hall

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Passcode: 461744

Previous Events

Center for Consciousness Science Annual Symposium
View the recordings